Tips For Having a Smooth First Look

A first look wedding photo is not something new. But it’s still one of the most intimate and memorable parts of a wedding day.

Before, first look photos were considered a huge trend on wedding days and are exclusive for couples alone. However, as the years go by, a first look wedding photo is now a common thing between the bride and the family.

It’s not entirely necessary for couples to have a first look during their wedding day but it still can be a great and candid opportunity that is more intimate and private.

As your wedding day is approaching, you might be wondering if you should go for a first look or not. Well, whether you’re thinking about it or not, here are some tips that can help you have a smooth first look.

What is a First Look?

A first look is simply a private moment where the bride and groom will have the chance to see each other for the first time before they walk down the aisle. First looks are also called “reveals”.

Some Tips To Remember

If you want to have a smooth first look, make sure to try out these tips:

Plan It Ahead

First looks should be planned even before your wedding day. You can ask your photographer to schedule a first look between you and your spouse so they can insert this small moment before the wedding starts.

Make sure to include your first look on your wedding day run sheet while you and your spouse are organizing everything on your wedding planning timeline.

Find The Perfect Photographer

Look for a photographer who knows how to capture the most beautiful first looks for every couple. Yes, there are thousands of professional photographers out there but not all of them know the right moment and angle to capture the most intimate and candid shots for you and your spouse’s first look.

Anyone can just grab the latest digital camera and call themselves a photographer. That’s why it’s very important to hire a photographer who specializes in wedding photography and who has experience in capturing first-look wedding photos.

Make It Private

Yes, today’s first looks can also include the parents of the bride. But some people still strongly believe that first looks should only happen between the couple getting married.

It is an intimate and private moment where the bride and groom should be able to see each other before exchanging their vows. That’s why, if you want to have a smooth first look with your spouse, make sure to keep any family members or anyone from the wedding out of sight.

If the couple is alone with their photographer, they are much more comfortable and can enjoy the moment without any pressure at all.

Having extra eyes around you might make you feel awkward and can ruin the moment.

Find A Great Spot

Finding a great spot for your first look can also change the entire feeling of the photo.

Make sure to find a setting that fits the mood and can bring more feelings and emotions for you and your spouse. Choose a spot where there is even lighting or backlighting. Lighting is a very important element in photography.

Relax and Enjoy The Moment

Weddings are not just exciting. It can also give you a feeling of nervousness and anxiousness.

We know that you feel excited seeing your soon-to-be-groom or bride but if you feel like things are just too overwhelming, keep in mind that first looks are private.

It will only be just you, your spouse, and your photographer so there’s no need to feel anxious at all.

What’s more, is that your wedding day is one of the biggest and most memorable moments of your life so you shouldn’t worry about anything at all because this day is all about you!


Again, first looks are not necessary because, at the end of the day, it all comes down to you and your spouse’s decision. But it’s still a great moment that you can cherish forever with your soon-to-be-husband or wife. At Legacy Union, we offer the best wedding photography services where you can also schedule your first look. Contact us today to avail our services.

We also offer other services like: Couple Photography Los-Angeles, Lifestyle Photography Los-Angeles, Wedding Videography Los-Angeles, Wedding Photography Videography Los-Angeles.